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Writer's pictureDiane Cordaire

The cup of evil is FULL!

The world is poised to receive the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The immorality of mankind has reached heaven, and the cup of iniquity is full. And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God. I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams (Acts 2:17). What you're searching for cannot be found in the world. If you examine religion, you'll only discover a tiny piece of what you're after. Look into the face of Christ to discover what you've been seeking and follow Him.

   The Cup of Iniquity is full!

In the History of mankind, we witness God's judgement or glory being poured out when the cup of iniquity reaches its limit. The flood was a result of the overwhelming evil during Noah's era. We are commanded by the Lord to pray for our enemies in a loving manner. It's as if you're placing hot coals on their head when you do this. When Glory descends on a sinful person, it causes burning. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire due to the overwhelming evil present. The Lord caused the earth to split open, and the Israelites’ fell in as a consequence idolatry.

God’s spirit can be described as both glory and fire. In the eyes of the children of Israel, the sight of the Lord's glory resembled a fierce fire on the mountaintop. The 120 people in the upper room had tongues of fire resting on their heads. That fire propelled them towards a future where they would reveal the truth about our Lord to others. The transformation of nations occurs when glory arrives.

The symbolism of fire in the Bible often represents God’s presence and divine judgement. The burning bush where Moses encountered God illustrates how fire serves as a visual manifestation of the divine. It also denotes purification and transformation, much like the refining of gold in a furnace.

Sin’s results in us falling short of the target. Transgression occurs when we cross God's boundaries, whereas iniquity refers to the inherent evil in our moral character.

In this society, evil is seen as good and good is seen as evil. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil: Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness: Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isaiah 5:20). The cup of iniquity is brimming, and the stink has ascended to the heavens.

It's time to shift our focus from doing for the Lord to simply being in the Lord. It's a distinct movement and a distinct position. The motion of being is synchronized with His spirit. The act of doing precedes the spirit, and when you require something different, you pause and inquire. God's being and that way of doing things are completely different. When we are in a state of being 'I in Him and Him in me', it's like effortlessly harvesting the fruit of the day. Don't worry about tomorrow; it will bring its own opportunities. God's kingdom can be found within, so there's no need to search externally. Just focus on being, and the doing will flow naturally. To exist is to stay still within oneself, never leaving the rest.


 Give up all and follow Him; the time is NOW!



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