It’s not enough to be satisfied with our beliefs about God. Deep within our soul, faith leads us to seek God, going beyond what we presently grasp. Real fulfillment comes not from what we own or achieve, but from our love for Christ. Think back to your first love and come back to Him. The limited love we have received because our knowledge has been incomplete.
Our position within His love was only solidified by this lack, a love which wounds but also captivates. The Song of Songs pleads: “Send no more messengers but come to me directly.” Don’t send messengers; be the message yourself.
We do not know God! Is the cry of a heart that has been wounded by His love. Song of Songs!
A soul detached from external things will be fully and delightfully consumed by His love.
Prayer: Lord, where is my soul still connected to the outside world?
In order to transcend our physical fragility and mortality, our souls must be allowed to be released from the outworking of its being. That is what is called the catching away with Him. The soul inhabits and animates the body within the external world. Being part of the fallen flesh realm is what keeps us connected. While our past identities were male or female, communities and groups, we are now embracing our spiritual side, leaving the flesh behind. The deeper you go the less is needed in the outside realm. This is too intense for the timid. This next stage of life is reserved for those who will inherit His resurrected glory.