We were slaves before Christ came and found us!
Living under the dominion of darkness.
I heard a story about African Americans purchasing an estate or plantation in Virginia. Moving in marked the beginning of a series of events happening for them. There was old quarters outback. Through their thorough research, they discovered their ancestors had been enslaved on this very land. After three to four generations, they had come to own the land their ancestors had been enslaved upon. The journey ends where it began, in redemption.
Our fallen nature held us captive, but we have the power to break free and experience the full redemptive grace God offers. We follow Jesus Christ, who gave his life for this very reason. Not taking back all that was given on the day of Christ’s crucifixion falls short of bringing His full glory to the earth. We all fall short of the glory, but that’s no excuse to stop running the race. Christ desires a people willing to go the extra mile for His full redemption to be realized in this life. Everything He owns belongs to us if we just get free from the bondage of our past.
Break free from your comfort zone, and rearm yourself with your shield, and join the battle for righteousness. Conquer your own weaknesses.
Our purpose goes beyond simply serving. We were destined to be friends with our Lord. He no longer refers to us as servants, instead, he calls us friends.
If Christ is in the air or sky, you’re falling behind. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of Christ’s presence within us. The comforter was sent to us by Christ. Fifteen years of solo living and separation have not brought any loneliness or isolation to me. The Holy Spirit resides within me, a closer presence than any brother. We are the Lord’s inheritance, and He is our inheritance. He will come back for the people who have prepared themselves, their lamps filled with oil. You are that lamp!
This isn’t about your church involvement. It’s about the extent to which you have liberated yourself from your natural shortcomings.
To get the reward, you must continue running. In my view, the reward is surrendering ‘His land,’ representing your body, to the King upon His arrival for His bride. He’s seeking a bride without spot or blemish. That means no darkness dwelling within your body or mind.
If you're still battling, the answer is obvious: take up your arms and fight. If you’re at peace with a quiet mind and standing firm in faith, you’ve done well, my good and faithful friend. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light (Matthew 6:22).
I am coming! So don’t grow weary of waiting! Take a stand and be acknowledged as His bride. Perfectly unblemished!
Give Christ His reward for His sacrifice, YOU!