Not so long ago, an overwhelming sense of mercy filled me. The mercy I received felt like a stone entering my being. We can pray and forgive our enemies; however, until pride, self-righteousness, defensiveness, and superiority are removed, mercy cannot fully reside within us as a complete stone ready for His temple.
We are the living stone!
The New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem are one and the same. It’s a cleaned atmosphere with no evil. It is a thousand-year reign with Christ as King beyond earthly kings. It’s a transformed people who know who they are in Him and He is within them. It’s our purpose as people who are His elect, chosen and set aside by Him to aspire to the highest call.
Blood on the doorposts in Egypt protected houses from certain death coming upon the children. His return will mirror past events, as the Lord reclaims what is His. Angels will and have sealed the foreheads of those called ‘His bond servants’. Those who are sealed are the 144,000 (Revelation 7:4-8).
I had a unique experience whilst I slept on Australian rivers. While lying there, I experienced the sensation of an angel touching my forehead. The touch resulted in a mark in the centre of my forehead. The authentic mark remains, even after many years. I’m happy to say the world’s troubles haven’t affected me. My boasting is in the Lord, not in myself. Though difficult, my journey proved rewarding, a path to triumph. Overcoming inner demons to achieve sanctification. Holiness is my daily aspiration. The highest aspiration on Earth is to stand as a pillar in His temple.
The Lord’s words are, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). Though numerous people have found the Lord, it’s unclear if they continue to overcome. Most stay confined to the outer court, unable to overcome their fears. Under the protection of the group, they call church.
God owns all people, so if that’s their lot in life, so be it.
Originally, I faced rejection from religion, which left a bitter taste in my mouth. I said to the Lord, “How can I love the church as you love the church”? For fifteen years, I have overcome the religion of mankind and the world and everything connected to it. To love the church as God loves means including the unlovable, which was added to my lot in life. It meant not judging anything before the appointed time. God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, so my opinions had no relevance. I could see love guiding me to a higher way than I had ever experienced before. That’s when mercy arrived as a stone and made its home within my very being.
This event marked a significant shift in my life. I saw my past self and my present self. I had become the very thing I searched for: Christ alive in me. Walking in the cool of the day is the place of dwelling with God. As each day unfolds with the mysteries and secret things of His kingdom. I look with untainted eyes at the world around me and know with an unwavering love that I was called for a day like today.
It’s more fulfilling to know who you are in Him than to know who you are in yourself. To find meaning in your life, you must look beyond yourself.