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All Things NEW

Writer's picture: Diane CordaireDiane Cordaire

God’s plan is to make everything new again. The restoration of all things (Acts 3:21). Hope anchors us in this vision; strong hope extends into the future, retrieving the unseen—this is faith, hope and love working together as partners. It’s the deposited faith and hope combined with His vision for the future for earth that we are connecting with. Where there is no vision, people perish (Proverbs 29:18).

Aligning with God’s plans: that’s the vision. We long for an authentic life to conquer the wicked life that is seen out in the world. Our awareness of God’s promises inscribed on our hearts allows us to release hope, allowing faith to lasso the vision back into our day.

The kingdom of God and the renewal of all things were created within your heart. Eden restored! The coming Kingdom is the New Heaven and the New Earth. The kingdom of God is the complete restoration of all creation. The past will be forgotten, dementia at its best. In this, we find hope; and this is our promise. Redemption of creation, not destruction of creation. Redeemed from death and decay.

The great flood of Noah’s era served as God’s method of purifying the earth. Humanity was saved by him, not the planet doomed by him. God will use fire to restore and bring righteousness to the earth this time. ‘The renewal of all things’ refers to returning something to its pristine condition. Often, God employs fire and water to purge evil and restore His creation and His people.

But in keeping with his promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13). You and I share this quality of righteousness! Our current existence will carry on in the life we have now and the life to come. You are included in the grand restoration the Messiah will bring about. We don’t ascend to heaven; heaven descends to us. His kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven. No rapture in that promise.

All things are new! Jesus Christ heralded the restoration. Upon rising from the dead, Jesus Christ left His garments in the tomb. I declare that the old is gone, and everything is new! My favourite line from “The Passion of the Christ movie” is, “Look, I have made all things new”. The garments are our old ways and sin. The complete restoration of all creation began with Jesus Christ’s victory over sin and death through his resurrection.

I’m strapping on my roller skates and skating towards the finish line to make heaven a reality on earth.




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