Our physical and spiritual duality creates inner suffering by concealing our true beauty. Seeing Jesus Christ for the first time, we are spellbound by his loving gaze. Divine love, like arrows, pierces the physical world, rescuing us from death. His perfect love blossoms for those who choose to journey with Him.
The search for God mirrors a lovesick bride’s fervent pursuit of her beloved. Forever dissatisfied with her current connection to God, the lovesick bride’s only longing is for a greater, more intimate relationship. The bride’s love is so intense she longs for the Lord to appear. A profound longing in those who desire His presence pleads with Him to fulfill His work in them. Then, the two will merge, eliminating the duality!
John spoke to the Corinthians and said, for while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life (2 Corinthians 5:4-5).
Death holds no fear for those who truly love Him, as it signifies union with Him.
Jesus Christ was the initial first fruit produced by the Father. As a result, we can be among the first fruit to follow Christ and partake in the marriage supper of the Lamb.
The story of the king’s wedding feast. His servant delivered invitations, yet they rejected the invitation. Those invited were too busy with businesses and fields, which demanded all of their attention. So then, the King instructed his servant to find anyone willing to come. The servant went into the street, attracting both good and bad people. But the King noticed a guest at the banquet was not wearing wedding attire. He was removed.
It will be no different when the Lord invites us to His marriage supper. You will be ejected unless you are wearing your wedding attire. Those clothes are symbolic of our physical selves. Those engrossed in their own lives will miss out on this event (Matthew 22:3).
Get ready, time is short!